Step into a magical underwater world created especially for little girls who dream of becoming princesses. Founded by Charlène, a devoted mother of two, our enchanting space offers a unique experience where your child can enjoy hair styling, makeup, and nail treatments while sipping delicious fruit juices. They’ll have the chance to walk the runway, adorned in beautiful dresses and jewelry, with every moment captured by our photographer




Experience the joy of transformation in our mermaid-themed sanctuary, where colorful braids and sparkling makeup help weave together delightful memories for every little princess!

At Mermaid Universe,

colorful braids, gems, glitter & glam awaits!

We celebrate every special occasion, from birthdays to holidays, with themed events and camps, ensuring a magical experience every time you visit. Every little girl is a mermaid at heart! Join us for a fantastical experience filled with vibrant braids ,glitter, dazzling makeup, nail polish and much more!

Join us in our mission to create unforgettable sparkling memories that parents and kids will cherish, time and time again!


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